বাদকুল্লা আশ্রম

ব্লগের সব ছবি ও তথ্য জোগাড় করেছে

জগন্নাথ ভৌমিক

বাদকুল্লা, আশ্র্রমপাড়া, নদীয়া ।।

ফোন নম্বর = ৯৯৩৩৫৭৬৭৬৪

নতুন কোনো তথ্য জানা থাকলে দয়া করে এখানে পাঠিয়ে দিন = badkulla.ashram@gmail.com

Monday 31 October 2011


"INDIA'S CHARACTERISTIC LIES IN UNITY IN DIVERSITY". Location of Badkulla Coordinates 23°17'N 88°32'E Country India State West Bengal District(s) Nadia Sex ratio 1:1.Latitude, 23.2833Longitude, 88.5333State: WEST BENGAL Pin Code: 741121. There is a small village in BADKULLA, named ASHRAMPARA. A branch of ADYAPEATH temple is situated here.

Friday 7 October 2011

আদ্যা মা

She was a little more than a foot tall, carved out of one solid piece of black marble, with sparkling jewels set in her eyes. She was completely intact; not one lotus petal, not one finger, was chipped or cracked. Her form was that of the goddess Kali.

Annada's household worshipped her in the traditional manner, offering flower garlands, fruit, cheese, sweets, sandal paste, and incense. As word of Her miraculous appearance spread, devotees came from all over the city to make offerings. Her very presence seemed to inspire the deepest devotion. Even prostitutes wept when they offered flowers to Her.

Adya Ma

Adya Ma

Three men from a Calcutta museum came also. Judging the image to be very ancient, from the Bhuddistic period, they offered a large sum of money for it, which Annada refused. A later encounter with a sadhu confirmed that the image had indeed originated in antiquity, in a temple in the district of Gaya."I do not want to be worshipped only in one place," She said. "On the contrary, it is my wish to be worshipped in the home of every devotee, not merely according to scriptural rites. . . . If anyone pays homage and gives offerings to me in the simple and sincere language of the heart, such as 'O My Mother! Take this food, wear this garment,' and then uses those things himself, it will be regarded as good an act as worship. The prayer of a simple and sincere heart constitutes my worship."

Finally, She enumerated sixteen reasons for the immersion, and Annada, his reasoning mind appeased, could resist no longer.

According to Her command, the image was photographed the following morning and copies circulated to any devotees who wanted them. Then, with a few companions, Annada hired a boat, rowed out into the middle of the Ganges, and plunged Her into the water. There, as far as anyone knows, She remains today.

The Divine Mother continued to appear to Annada in dreams. "I am Adyashakti ('Primordial Force'), and I am to be worshipped as Adya Ma," She said. She dictated to him a Sanskrit hymn in Her honor, the Adyastotram, promising that anyone who sang it with devotion would find favor with her.

আদ্যাপীঠ আশ্রমের ইতিহাস

Dakshineswar Ramkrishna Sangha Adyapeath, founded in 1921 by Sri Annada Thakur, is an organization dedicated to the service of humanity and the worship of the Divine Mother. Sri Annada Thakur believed us all to be the sons and daughters of the same Mother. Therefore, every monk in the Sangha is addressed as BHAI.To find the beginning of this story, it is necessary to go back in time, beyond the remarkable early-twentieth-century life of a Bengali man named Annada Charan Bhattacharya; beyond the even more remarkable nineteenth-century life of the great Bengali saint Sri Ramakrishna; beyond even the carving in antiquity of an exquisite black marble image of the Divine Mother--for this story begins at Creation itself and is continually beginning and being replayed in the cycle of birth, death, and renewal of every soul of every devotee of God.

Dreams and Visions

In 1915, a young Brahmin named Annada Charan Bhattacharya was setting up a successful practice in Ayurvedic medicine in Calcutta. A capable scientist, he had discovered seven patent medicines and went on to become a renowned doctor all over Bengal.

Annada Thakur, as he came to be known, was a deeply religious man, filled with devotion to the Divine Mother Kali and Her great nineteenth-century Bengali saint, Sri RamakrishnaNevertheless, even such a spiritual man as Annada was taken aback by the strange visions and dreams he began to have: A vision of four girls carrying an image (murthi) of the Divine Mother Kali down a Calcutta street, invisible to all but Annada, yet so real that he folded his palms and, to the puzzlement of passersby, bowed to thin air. Two dreams of a sannyasin telling him to shave his head and bathe in the Ganges, to which the outraged Annada replied, "Reverend Sir, if you again talk of head-shaving, I shall hold you by the neck and push you out of the room." Then, stranger yet, dreams of Sri Ramakrishna himself, so real that Annada was convinced the venerable saint, though long departed from this life, had been in the room with him.

When the order came from Sri Ramakrishna to shave his head and bathe in the Ganges, Annada could hardly refuse. Sri Ramakrishna then told him to go to the Eden Gardens, a magnificent British-built public garden in Calcutta, and to look there for a murthi of the Divine Mother where a coconut tree and a pakur tree grew together. There, at the bottom of a pond, Annada and three companions found the image. A commemorative plaque marks the spot today.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

বাদকুল্লা আশ্রমের মহারাজ

At present Bramhachari SUBRATA BHAI and BIDYUT BHAI is in badkulla branch. They are gift of GOD not only for badkulla but also for this world.